Projects and Show your Work Problems

How To Complete and Submit Projects and Show Your Work Problems

You will be given a project and a show your work problem set on the opening page of each module. Thanks to technology, we can cut down on paper usage. There is also a downside to this, especially for those that are new to computer related tasks such as emailing. This is a step-by-step guide on how to successfully access, complete and submit your homework.

Due to the formatting used on the web page, the symbolic portions of project problems will not copy nicely into word processors.  Because of this, only answers to the project problems should be written out or typed into Google Docs.

Show your work assignments
These are provided as a Google Drive document.  There are 2 ways of completing your assignment. The first method is to copy the assignment to your Google Docs account and use the Google tools online. The second method is to print the assignment out and completing it by hand.

Adding Adequate Space To Show Your Work  Each show your work assignment has limited amount of space to show your work. If you use the print method and you feel that you needed more space to do your work, you must copy the assignment to your Google or Google at UH account via Google Docs (See Google Doc Method) before printing.

To add space, Place cursor in the space between the 2 problems, and press Shift-Return. Add space until you feel that you have enough space to show your work. Repeat with all problems. Print assignment. Note: This also applies to Google Doc method.
Google Doc Method
Open the show your work problems from the link provided in the module.

Make sure you log into your Google or Google @ UH account.

Note: When logging in to your UH account, enter your UH email address and then press Sign in. You do not need to put in the password at this sign-on page. You will be taken to the UH Web Login Service Page for your UH account authentication.    

On the pull-down menu choose Files, then Make a copy…

You will get this notice. Click on OK. A copy of the assignment will be made to your Google Docs account. You are now able to edit the document.

Submitting Your Work
Once you have completed your work, you must submit your work to your instructor. There are three ways of submitting your homework:Method 1: Scanning

  • Using a scanner or scanner/printer, scan ALL pages of your completed work. For more information, please see your scanner’s instruction manual.
  • Depending on your scanner, you may have each scanned page as a separate file. Please rename each file as module # followed by page number. (for example, module1p1, module1p2, etc)
  • Save scan as a PDF file. If that is not possible, save scan as a JPG file.
  • Submit the PDF to Laulima

Method 2: Taking a photo

  • Taking a snapshot of your work is another alternative if you do not have access to a scanner. Please note that you will need at least a 3 megapixel camera to submit your work.
  • When taking snapshots of your completed work, please take a shot of the full page of the work. Make sure that the shot is clear and readable.
  • Depending on your smartphone or camera phone, you may have to send a page or multiple pages. Please see your phone’s instruction manual.
  • Submit via Laulima

Method 3: Google Doc method

  • Sharing assignment to instructor
    • Click on the Share  button.
    • When the Sharing settings window pops up, put in and press the Done button.
  • You should submit the link to the document in your submission in Laulima.